The PAC (Political Action Committee) formerly known as ACRE (Action Committee for Rural Electrification) is now America’s Electric Cooperatives PAC.
Although the name and logo of the PAC have changed, the purpose and mission remain the same.
America’s Electric Cooperatives PAC is set up to support the campaigns of political candidates, on the state and federal levels, who support electric cooperatives. In today’s political climate, especially at a time when reliable, affordable power generation routinely comes under attack through proposed legislation, we feel it is important to support political candidates who understand that our energy must remain safe, reliable and affordable.
Members of electric cooperatives have the opportunity to join America’s Electric Cooperatives PAC by completing a simple form and allowing the Co-op to add one dollar to their monthly bill. This opportunity is only available to residential Co-op members. The donations are pooled, and about half is used to support election campaigns on the federal level, while the other half is used to support candidates on the state level. America’s Electric Cooperatives PAC is bipartisan – a candidate’s political affiliation is not taken into consideration in the PAC’s procedures for making election contributions. Election donations are made solely based on the candidate’s support of electric cooperatives. All contributions go to election campaigns, with the exception of federal taxes that must be paid on the contributions (less than 1%).
Many of you have returned the authorization form, joining the PAC and allowing us to add one dollar to your bill. We cannot explain how grateful we are to those members! If you would like to support the Co-op by joining America’s Electric Cooperatives PAC, simply fill out the information panel here and drop it by your local office, or mail it with your next bill to P.O. Box 719, Homer, LA 71040. We appreciate your time and ask that you please consider joining us by joining America’s Electric Cooperatives PAC.