Members to see lower power costs

In early January 2024, Claiborne Electric notified members of an increased cost from the Cooperative’s wholesale power provider, which was related to critically low water levels along the Mississippi River.

This dramatically increased shipping costs for coal, resulting in a force majeure event beyond Claiborne Electric’s control, and the Power Cost Adjustment factor used to calculate member bills was increased to cover the charges. As a good faith effort to lessen the burden on member bills, these increased charges, while paid in full at the time by the Cooperative, where spread over months to Cooperative members.

Claiborne Electric is pleased to announce that the force majeure costs have now been fully recovered! Members will see lower power costs through a lower Power Cost Adjustment factor on current and future months’ bills.

Request for Qualifications – Disaster Recovery




Claiborne Electric Cooperative, Inc. (“Claiborne”) is soliciting proposals from experienced firms or professionals to provide Disaster Recovery Program Management Consultant Services in the event of named disasters affecting its service area and Claiborne Electric’s management declaring additional administrative assistance is needed.

The initial term of the contract resulting from this RFQ will be for a period of one year with the option of renewal for two additional, one-year terms. The contracted company will support Claiborne with disaster recovery efforts upon the execution of a contract task order issued in response to a declared disaster.

At its option, Claiborne may also utilize the successful respondent to manage various applications for Federal and State grant opportunities as they may arise from time to time.

A Request for Proposal can be obtained by:

The deadline for submission of proposals is October 11, 2024.

Women- and Minority-Owned Businesses and labor surplus area firms are highly encouraged to submit a proposal in response to this RFQ.

Questions and responses related to CEC’s RFQ:

1) May proposers submit bids to Claiborne Electric’s physical address at 12525 Hwy. 9, Homer, LA 71040 with Attention directed to Kathy Tanner?

Answer: Yes, bids can be submitted to our physical address, but allow extra time for delivery.

2) Is there an incumbent? If so, who?

Answer: Yes, there is an incumbent, but we are not disclosing that information at this time.

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