Three Claiborne Electric linemen recently completed a portion of the Association of Louisiana Electric Cooperatives (ALEC) Lineman Training Program.
Clay Salley, Charles Yokum, and Matthew Cathey (pictured below) finished Module One of the curriculum. ALEC’s Lineman Training Program is a four-year curriculum created to equip linemen for a career in utility line operations. The on-the-job course includes classroom and hands-on instruction. Module One includes education and training in power delivery, electrical systems, electrical theory, transformers, OSHA, applied mathematics, working in elevated positions, safety, first aid, and working with knots, splices, and rope.
Salley, Yokum, and Cathey are all previous graduates of Texas State Technical College’s Electrical Lineworker & Management Technology program.
Several employees also recently completed ALEC’s OSHA Accident Investigation and Record Keeping course. Grub Faulk, Daniel Kimbell, Penny Ferguson, Rocky Lachney, and Caleb Temple completed this course, which is specifically for employees with direct safety responsibilities.
Continuous education and training is a fulfillment of the fifth Cooperative Principle: Education, Training, and Information. Claiborne Electric believes continuing education is critical in every department for the cooperative to run at the most efficient level of business.